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Caring for children with special needs is not a psychological stress for parents to ignore







Written by: Family Dynamics Counseling Psychologist

             Shelly Mok


Fai is a boy who is very good at drawing. He likes to draw his own comic characters, but all his characters do not have eyes, ears, mouth and nose. All of his characters, male or female, with long or short hair, have thick hair covering their ears and foreheads. These characters are like a mirror, reflecting his inner world. He does not want to communicate with others in depth, but just wants to do what he likes quietly.


When I first invited him to introduce his comic book protagonists, he said that his characters do not have mouths because no matter what they say, no one will listen to them, so they do not speak; they do not have eyes because they do not want to see what is happening in the world; they do not have ears because no one will listen to what he says. Even the sound of the crowd annoys him, so he prefers to be alone. Other than these few words, he did not respond to any other questions I had.


It was heartbreaking to listen to this P5 boy and look at his big eyes. At such a young age, he already had to close his heart and give up the opportunity to build positive relationships with others.


When Fai was in Primary 4, he was determined to have dyslexia. His parents brought him to see me not for any training, but to deal with the tension and low self-image that had accumulated between him and his parents for quite some time. From the first grade, he faced many academic challenges, such as often failing in dictation, not finishing his homework until 11:00 p.m. every night, not listening to his parents’ instructions, and not finishing his exam papers. The family and he had a lot of friction and conflict over the grade. He was labeled as lazy, irresponsible and inattentive. Even though his parents later learned that he had dyslexia, it was hard for them to let go of their expectations of him, especially his mother.






In fact, Fai is not lazy. When I observed the way he played the game and did the beauty work in the game room, I knew that he is a person who has great demands on himself. In the face of failure, he would try again and again until he was satisfied. For a child who has been frustrated in his studies, even in a non-academic field, it takes extraordinary inner resources to persist in trying without fear of difficulties and learning from his own failures. As a bystander, I can clearly see his strengths, and I am inspired by his inner strength.


However, the parents’ feelings about Fai’s situation were very complicated. They were so stressed out by their constant worries, sadness, expectations, and disappointments that it was hard for them to see and hear Fai’s efforts and heartfelt voices, so it is no wonder that the protagonists of Fai’s comics live in a world without eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. However, the guilt and helplessness of Fai’s parents also prompted them to ask me for help. As parents, they really need time and space to face their own pain and accept that their children are different from others. Not to mention, they only have one child, Fai.







In the process of working with Fai, I also made several appointments with his parents to help them understand more about the challenges and inner world that Fai was facing, and to help them transition and accept his complex emotions. Later, Fai’s mother told me that Fai was actually very hardworking and struggled with his homework for so long every night because he did not want to give up and insisted on finishing all his homework. Even though his parents told him to forget about it, he insisted on not going to sleep. Therefore, I also said that they were really lucky that Fai did not give up in the face of huge learning difficulties. His mother was stunned after hearing this – it seems that they are starting to see and hear Ah Fai.


Parenting can be the most challenging and unpredictable experience in the world, but it can also be the most satisfying and meaningful thing in life. Parents of children with special needs are faced with extraordinary stress and emotional complexity. These emotions are like a thick fog that prevents parents from seeing and hearing the inner world of their children. At the same time, they cannot see or hear their own inner world, thus isolating the communication between parents and children. As a counseling psychologist, an important part of my job is to help parents clear the clouds so that they can see the moon.


Must I drink sports drinks after exercise?







Written by : Registered Dietitian (Australia)

Chung Yong Man


Children should walk more and do more exercise. My good friend May has always wanted to challenge the marathon 10km race. We agreed to train together once a week. Since she seldom exercises, I suggested her to start with a brisk walk first and try running only after she got used to it. After the exercise, we went to the convenience store to buy drinks and May chose sports drinks without saying a word.


” I see that runners bring their own sports drinks and they claim to be good for energy, so I drink them in my spare time, at least it’s better than soda! ” She took the drinks and was ready to pay at the counter.







I said, “Hydration before, during and after exercise is very important, especially during long endurance sports, such as ball games and marathons, where a lot of water and electrolytes will be lost through sweat. It contains water and electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, which can be replenished during exercise. It also contains sugar, which can replenish the sugar consumed during exercise and reduce fatigue. The American College of Sports Medicine also points out that for people who exercise for one hour or more, drinking sports drinks may improve endurance and performance. However, if the exercise is less than one hour, the electrolytes and water consumed in the daily diet are sufficient to replenish the body and there is no need to drink additional sports drinks.


Parents Zone



1. 建立常規設定:每天恆常時間表


2. 舉辦網上社交活動



3. 加入家長靜觀互助小組



4. 在危難中的「機會」

在不能預測以及多變的環境中,人的成長總會遇到不同的挑戰與困難。我們希望下一代在溫室中長大如小花一般,還是像這一代的小孩子,成為暴風雨中的堅強小草呢?家長們可以透過靜觀的呼吸練習,在風雨中找到一份安穩,默想在這兩年的艱難時刻,孩子們最大得着與成長是甚麼呢?資訊科技的能力、自理能力、堅韌性(resilience) 及照顧弟妹的愛心等等。可能還有更多是我們沒有留意到的正面改變。



Parents Zone


小朋友在家上學,媽媽也要在家工作,同時兼顧家務和照顧小孩,難免會覺得十分疲累。 媽媽走到客廳,看見小朋友灑滿一地的玩具,頓時感到憤怒,忍不住便責罵孩子。但其實家長可以使用「愛的語言」教導孩子,冷靜又有愛地解決問題。

筆者個人很欣賞一個嬰兒配方奶粉廣告。一開始時,一個 2、3 歲的小朋友在屋內走來走去,搬動很多不同類型的玩具到後花園的泥地上玩耍,過程中把泥土和碎石等帶進屋內,當然過程中少不了跌得滿地的玩具。媽媽看到後,臉色一沉,大戰似乎一觸即發。小朋友看見媽媽的臉色後,亦似乎意識到媽媽的怒氣。怎料鏡頭一轉,媽媽竟從背後取出一副「女飛賊」式的眼鏡,對孩子扮鬼臉。於是烏雲散盡,母女擁作一團,原本的低氣壓被笑聲爆破,藏身於窗簾後的爸爸也可放心繼續「嘆」他的咖啡了。



媽媽們在甚麼時候對家人最不滿呢?不是在母親節收不到禮物,亦不是丈夫和孩子忘記了妳們的生日,更不是為家人預備飯餐 ─ 而是在辛辛苦苦忙完家務之後,家中的其他成員卻任意地把原本整齊的客廳弄得亂七八糟!大家有同感嗎?


有一個母親在廚房裡忙了一個上午,午餐也準備好了。當她到客廳時,只見到滿地玩具。她先喝杯冷水,就對不足 3 歲的孩子說:「啊!滿地的玩具,都是你玩過的嗎?」孩子笑嘻嘻點頭。「媽媽做了很多家務,現在很累了,我需要你幫忙,把玩具收拾好,你可以幫媽媽這個忙嗎?」她說。孩子開開心心的開始收拾玩具了。


